1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray without ceasing.  1 Thessalonians 5:17

Battles are real in the Christian life.  As long as our flesh is our home, we will be in battles.  None are easy.  Some are draining.  Most are discouraging.  All are exhausting.  When I think of battles, I am reminded of a small figurine I have of a soldier returning to his to his home from the Civil War.  Still in the saddle, but hanging over the horse in complete exhaustion, the figurine is entitled Nothing Left.  I have been in battles like that in my Christian life; I have come to God with nothing left.

remnant-of-an-armyIt is in these types of battles that we move from sitting before the Lord in prayer to fighting the battle on our knees or on our face.  We come to Him like the soldier who came home with nothing left.  We not only pray, but we pray without ceasing.  This does not mean we never break from prayer, but it means we come to God regularly about the battle before us.  It means that we do not give up until God comes through.  In other words, we are persistent.  We ask Him and keep on asking Him.  We seek Him and keep on seeking Him.  We knock on His door and keep on knocking until He opens the door.  We don’t give up until God wins the battle through us and for us!  This is praying without ceasing.

Are you in a battle today?  You are probably in at least one.  Perhaps there is something difficult happening in your family, in your job, or in your heart, something you’re struggling with personally.  Perhaps you have battles in all of these areas simultaneously.  What do you do?  Get out of your chair and get on your knees.  Pray about that battle and do not give up.  Continue to do this daily, perhaps even more than just once a day.  In time, God will prevail.  And in the meantime, remember that the battle is not yours, but God’s*

Father, I need You more today than ever before.  Help!  Amen.

*Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Northwest Arkansas