How Can I Learn to Be Content?
We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 1 Timothy 6:7
A wealthy landowner was trying to buy some additional land near his estate. A neighbor observed that his only motivation seemed to be to prevent someone else from buying it. So the neighbor asked, “Sire, do you want to own all the land in the world?” “No,” the wealthy man replied, “just the land that joins mine.”
Many people believe that contentment comes through having enough money to do whatever thy wish. Others think that it comes from having a good family or having a life without any problems. That is why they constantly think that having a little more money or changing their circumstances or relationships will bring contentment.

Contentment, however, comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a belief that He will supply all our needs. Contentment is not found in things, situations, or other people. It is found in knowing that our heavenly Father loves and cares for us.
The writer of Hebrews understood this source of contentment when he wrote, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’” (Hebrews 13:5). To express it another way, discontentment comes when we think that having money or the latest gadget or fashion will make us happy. But Scripture affirms that true contentment is obtainable only through Christ. Knowing that He provides what we need when we need it to produce stress-free living at its best! *
Heavenly Father, teach me to be content. Help me to see my joy and purpose in You rather than material possessions. Help me avoid trying to manipulate my circumstances or other people to get what I want. Lord, help me trust You and only You to meet my every need! Amen.
*Phil Waldrep, Trinity, AL