1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 : Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love should be practiced according to the Corinthians' terms. Anyone who is lucky enough to be loved and love others should not take such a precious aspect for granted.
Here are 15 ways to practice true love.
1 Be patient and remain calm. Everyone has their own pace and way of doing things. Whether it is their thought process or their reaction to a specific event - be patient and remember that everything happens within its own time.
2 Have you ever heard the phrase - You can catch more bees with honey. Kindness should be a way of life and not a surprising act when it's displayed. Being kind to someone can go a long way and help them someone through a rough day or just simply make them feel good about themselves.
3 Be grateful for what God has blessed you with. Do not compare your blessings others. Everything happens for a reason and everyone has their own path.
4 Bragging can hurt the feelings of others and hurting people is not part of love. When you're truly in love, God will be happy for you and he is the only person that you want to satisfy. Since God knows your plan - you will not need to boast.
5 There is no reason to be proud because love does not want to hurt the feelings of others who are struggling or are going through a rough time because of heartache.
6 Love does not dishonor others. Love is consuming and fulfills the heart and soul; something so powerful should not hurt others. Remain honorable and true to yourself.
7 Love is about others, not yourself. When you love someone you shouldn't look to improve yourself, instead you should focus on the other person. If it is true love you will be reciprocated.
8 Love will not cause you to become angered easily. Since love requires patience - you must entrust your your feelings in another and know that anything that happens is not intentional.
9 God forgives you for your sins everyday, therefore you should do the same with the ones that you love. Do not keep a record of someone's wrongs because that is not your job. When you love someone, you should love them unconditionally and not burden the relationship with mistakes.
10 Love is the opposite of evil, with that in mind anyone who loves should not take delight in evil. A terrible element, such as evil, can not be part of something as sacred and rewarding as love.
11 Be honest no matter what. The truth will set you free and true love will forgive you for any mistakes that occur. A lie is evil and will consume your relationship.
12 Be protective because true love is hard to come by. When you love someone you want to keep them safe. Protection is a natural element of love.
13 Love always trust because you're giving your entire self to that person. Loving someone means that you're allowing them to care of your heart.
14 Love always hopes because you're putting your faith in someone. You'll always be hopeful that things will work out because all love begins with hope.
15 Love will always keep on keeping on because it is endless. Love only has a beginning but will never go away because it creates memories and evokes emotions that you will cherish forever.
Shared from: http://www.beliefnet.com