David: A Case Study in Repentance
David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” And Nathan said to David, “The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die.” 2 Samuel 12:13

It was a miserable year for King David. Many scholars suppose that the time between David’s great act of sin and his defining moment of repentance was twelve months. During this time David described his emptiness by saying, “My sin is always before me” (Psalm 51:3). David was reminded every day that joy and peace had vanished from his life. But everything changed when the heartfelt words from today’s verse came from David’s lips, “I have sinned.” As Charles Spurgeon said, “The Lord does not allow His children to sin successfully.” Instead, He leads us to repentance. David repented, and God responded with incredible grace and mercy: “The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die.”
What is repentance? It means to change one’s mind. It is a word that describes not only what we say with our lips but also how we live our lives. Repentance is honest confession. It’s not minimizing, rationalizing, or generalizing. It does not place blame; it takes the blame. It’s complete break, putting away the desires and deeds of sin. It’s turning around and going in God’s direction.
God is serious about repentance. His infinite grace and mercy are exhibited in these words: “You have cast all my sins behind Your back” (Isaiah 38:17). How serious are you about repentance? Repentance is returning to God, and what returns to you in the process of repentance is priceless. Just as David received back his joy and peace, God will restore you when you repent. First John 1:7 says, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” God responds to our repentance. How do you need to respond to today’s devotional? Do you need to repent?
God, thank You for Your everlasting love, infinite grace, and great mercy. I praise You for the fact You are faithful and just to forgive me of all my sin. I praise and glorify You, my Redeemer. Amen.
Jeff Crook, Flowery Branch, GA