"For You are my lamp, O LORD; And the LORD illumines my darkness.”
2 Samuel 22:29

There is a darkness that is all yours. It is the stifling cloak of guilt, or the cavern of private fears, or the abyss of confusion. Visitors to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico reach a point deep underground. The guide tells everyone to be seated, and turns off the lights. The darkness is so deep; people can’t even see their hand an inch from their eye. One match seems a torch. Not only does Jesus Christ drive the darkness from the cosmos, but He illumines mydarkness—and yours, if you are in covenant with Him through Christ.
Dear Heavenly Father, please guide me with your light so that I can see clearly through this day. Lift up my eyes and my soul so that I will shift my path from darkness to Your light. In Your Heavenly Name, Amen.