How Does God Teach Me Patience?
May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5
Growing up in the South, I have become used to hearing and using expressions that add flavor to ordinary conversation. Expressions like, “Go whole hog,” “You’re barking up the wrong tree,” and “That just takes the cake,” are just a few. One expression I have heard all my life to describe a person with amazing patience is, “That man has the patience of Job.” After reading the story of Job’s life, his measure of patience does seem very unusual, almost unachievable. However, Paul raises the expectations when he prays that God would guide the hearts of believers “into the patience of Christ.” Wow! Now that’s really raising the bar!
Patience is a virtue that most people, even believers, would say they possess in small amounts, if at all. So when we read this kind of challenge, we almost want to give up at once because it seems like an impossible task. However, there are two facts of this passage that offer hope. Commentators are divided on whether this verse is just teaching Christ as our model for the patience we are to display, or if He is the One who gives us the patience we are to display. I believe the answer is both. Jesus is the One who walks ahead of us, displaying patience in unmistakable fashion as an inspiring example, and He is the One who gives us the strength to exhibit real patience.
Another expression we have in the South is, “To run fast, you just need to run fast.” To apply that same logic to patience, some might be tempted to say, “To have patience, you just need to have patience.” However, this kind of patience isn’t obtained through practice, but rather through daily participation in a relationship with Jesus. Chasing patience will never get you where you want to go, but pursuing a life with Jesus will take you beyond your greatest expectations.
Oh Lord, I desire to live like You, especially when I need to be patient and loving. Give me the strength and heart to be grace on display every day. Amen.
Tim Dowdy, McDonough, GA