Acts 2:4

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.  Acts 2:4

What does it mean to be Spirit-filled?  Does it mean you speak "with other tongues" as they did in Acts 2?  Does it mean you perform miracles as the apostles did?  What exactly does it mean, and how can you and I get in on it?

To be filled with the Holy Spirit simply means the Holy Spirit has control of you.  It means your life is completely and willingly yielded to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  It means you are living with the attitude of Christ when He prayed, "Not My will, but Yours, be done" (Luke 22:42).  You don't have to beg God to fill you with His Spirit, for that is what He wants to do.  But you do have to ask God in faith to fill you and keep yourself yielded to His Spirit moment by moment.  

Baptized-in-the-Holy-SpiritWhen you are filled with the Spirit, it shows in your actions and reactions.  You begin to act and react like Jesus.  There is power about your life that wasn't there before - a power to do right and overcome wrong.  You are supernaturally able to bless those who curse you and love who hate you.  You experience the fruit of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Galations 5:22, 23).

Do you want to be filled with God's Spirit?  It will require you to vacate the throne of your life and let the Lord take His rightful place as your King.  Someone has well said, "When self is on the throne, Christ is on the cross; when Christ is on the throne, self is on the cross."  Are you ready to lay down your scepter and crown, and let the Spirit of the holy King take full control?*

King Jesus, I yield to You this day.  Take control of me.  Fill me with Your Spirit.  Change my life by Your power.  I want You to act and react through me.  I resign from being captain of my own ship.  By faith, I turn the reins of my life completely over to You, and I look forward to the wonderful results of living life Spirit-filled.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

*Jeff Schreve, Texarkana, TX