Feeling good now, but had to get over myself big time earlier today. I made a dentist appointment for tomorrow morning. That's not a big deal most of the time, I have been a hundred times, but this one was weird for me. I recently broke a tooth and had a crown come off another tooth, and didn't immediately go to the dentist. Sadly, the longer I put it off the more difficult it was for me to make that appointment. It got to the point where I was so embarrassed and afraid of expenses that I simply didn't want on my plate, that I just ignored the issue.
It may sound trivial to some to read this post, but the bottom line is I was not taking care of myself like I should. This fasting period has been helping me to focus, and I hope it continues to be enlightening and strengthening to my body, mind and soul.
Thank you Jesus for being with me. I need You.
Updated: 12/11 -
Just two hours later and my teeth are completely fixed. I go back in June for a routine cleaning. Feeling thankful!