On my husband's T-shirt is a cartoon of a sheep walking on two legs and addressing a wolf who is barring the sheep's passage through a gate.

Standing by the sheep is a familiar-looking man. He has a beard, compassionate eyes, and a look of authority. The sheep speaks to the wolf as he gestures toward the man and says, "I'm with Him." The sheep's trust in his Shepherd gives him great confidence.
On the day Jesus died, three crosses were raised. Jesus hung on the center one between two criminals. One of the men mocked Jesus, but the other said to Him, "Remember me when You come into Your kingdom." And Jesus answered, "Today you will be with Me in Paradise" (Luke 23:42-43). Imagine the man's thoughts as he took his last breath. He had paid a horrible penalty for his crimes. But now, because he put his faith in Jesus, he was welcomed into heaven as a child of God. Perhaps he said with confidence, "I know I don't deserve to be here, but I'm with Him!" gesturing toward Jesus. And Jesus would have confirmed it: "He's with Me."
Like the thief on the cross, we all face a choice. Have you made the decision to trust Jesus? Can you say with confidence, "I'm with Him"?
- Cindy Hess Kasper