Horoscopes are extremely popular nowadays. Every newspaper has got one. Think about it: even if you don’t like horoscopes, I’m pretty sure you know what your star sign is. They’re an integral part of everyday modern life. So surely they can’t be all bad, or can they? Let’s find out with the Bible in hand.

1.- You shouldn’t read horoscopes if you love God.
Love to God in the Bible is defined as obedience. In other words, the person who loves God obeys God. No love means no obedience. And no obedience means no love. So since the Bible clearly condemns any type of astrology or star-consulting, a servant of God will never dabble in such witchcraft (Deuteronomy 18:9-14). Some may call horoscopes “innocent fun”. But God labels them as an “abomination”. They should not be found among God’s people. After all, God cast King Saul from his throne because he fooled about with a medium (1 Chronicles 10:13-14).
2.- You shouldn’t read horoscopes if you trust the Bible.
If you wholly trust the revelation of God then you will have no time for horoscopes. Your future isn’t written in the stars, it’s written
in the Word of God. The entire universe is upheld solely and exclusively by the God who made the sun, the moon and the stars. So rather than pursuing star-seeking wizards and witches, the Lord calls you to seek the truth from what He has revealed in Scripture (Isaiah 8:19-20). I dare to say that if you read your horoscope it’s because you’re not fully satisfied with the perfect Word of God. God’s will for you is God’s Word to you; not unchristian superstition.
3.- You shouldn’t read horoscopes if you are led by the Spirit.
None of Pharaoh’s magicians could interpret his dream (Genesis 41:8). But Joseph could. And none of Nebuchadnezzar’s men astrologers could interpret his dream (Daniel 2:27). But Daniel could. What was it about Joseph and Daniel that made them so different and superior? Answer: they had the Spirit of God. I deem it disgraceful when so called children of God go consulting soothsayers. Soothsayers should be the ones consulting Christians! Maybe the fact they don’t do so reveals something of our impoverished lack of authentic spirituality. What would Joseph and Daniel think of such believers?
4.- You shouldn't read horoscopes if you fear God’s judgment.
God promised Micah that He would purge the people of Israel from every type of astrological nonsense. “I will cut of witchcraft out of your hand and you will have no more soothsayers” (Micah 5:12). In other words, God’s judgment spelt dooms for horoscopes. Not only are the people who consult astrologists to be rebuked, but the very mediums will be judged themselves. In the Old Testament every one of them was to be put to death (Leviticus 20:6) because they had so stirred the Lord’s anger (2 Kings 21:6).
So, should you read horoscopes? No, no you shouldn't. Not if you love God, trust the Bible, are led by the Spirit and fear the judgment of God. Instead of seeking horoscopes in incredulity and ignorance, I exhort you to seek the Lord with a hearty faith and passionate zeal. Remember that He is the Lord of the future and that if you want to know what God’s will is for your life, you’ll have to ask Him to reveal it to you.
Article by Will Graham