Do not be furious, O Lord, nor remember iniquity forever; indeed, please look – we all are Your people! Isaiah 64:9

When we’re not careful about controlling our anger, it will control us. It may start with a minor frustration, but when left unchecked, it grows into something nasty and harmful. This is the natural course our sinful flesh takes. When we harbor resentment, constantly remembering injustices and living in a state of discontentment (if not barely contained rage), it’s as if our hearts are being stewed in a big cauldron of anger. The heat keeping it going is our conceit, and the boiling water is like our bubbling emotions that splash up haphazardly and scald anyone nearby. Our hearts are certainly changed as a result of harbored anger. They become darkened by our narcissism and bitterness, and the words and actions overflowing from them hurt those around us. This kind of situation is rooted in the sin of self-interest; we are, in fact, bowing before the idol of self.
Experiencing anger is a natural part of life. It would be a mistake to equate anger with sin, for God Himself expresses anger. Yet in our anger we must not be guilty of sin. We must not allow the anger we feel produce the sin we must avoid.
The key to controlling our temper is communication with God. When we dwell in God’s gracious presence, the heat of bitterness is turned down and we find peace. Tuning our hearts to His grace cools animosity’s selfish blaze. Obsessions of self fade as we delight in God’s presence and purpose. No longer bowing at the alter of our ego, we rest in the embrace of Christ and we become a living sacrifice for His glory. In worshiping Him, we smother the fire of ire.*
Lord God, help me become a patient person who is slow to anger. Rather than exploding with tirades of wrath, I want to quiet the conflicts around and within me. I want to have inner peace that comes from a settled faith in You. Grant me faith to understand that You are working to lead me to the very best in life. By Your Spirit, grant me grace and engage my world with the faith-filled assurance that You are moving in and through every situation. Amen
*Eric Thomas, Norfolk, VA