My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns – broken cisterns that can hold no water. Jeremiah 2:13

A certain theological professor announced to his class, “There is no definition of sin. That which is called ‘sin’ has been dreamed up in the minds of fundamentalist preachers who are killjoys of our fun.” Sheepskins on the wall do no eliminate ignorance. Sin is real and the Bible makes no joke about it.
Sin is something we are. We were conceived in sin and we were born with a sin nature. Sin is something we do. It is doing that which God tells us not to do. Sin is also something that we don’t do. Inactivity doesn’t always equate goodness. “You shall” is just as important as “You shall not.”
Sometimes we think sin in the life of the believer is less serious than sin in the life of the unbeliever. Not so! In this text, God spoke to those whom He called “My people”. Believers are not exempt for committing sin or experiencing its consequences.
God always view sin as a double whammy – committing two evils. First, sin is a departure from that which is holy and good. To forsake the Lord is to depart from Him. As the words of an old hymn declare, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it; prone to leave the God I love.” To depart from the Lord is to abandon the only source of real blessing. He alone is the source of living water. How deceitful sin is! The wells of this world cannot satisfy. Second, sin is embracing that which is unholy and useless. Broken cisterns represent human attempts to provide what only God can give. Sin is not only deceitful; it is totally unreasonable. Why abandon God for broken pots? Determine today to live the rest of your life for Him.
Dear Father, today I realize the wickedness of my heart. I know that I am prone to wander. At this very moment, I ask You to take my heart and seal it for Your purpose and for Your glory. May I walk in Your will and way throughout this day. Do not let me yield to any temptation. If I do, please do not allow me to make excuses for my sin. May Your goodness lead me to repentance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.