Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

The prophet Jeremiah gives us one of the most promise-filled prayers of the Bible. This verse has been called “God’s telephone number” – JER-333. How can you as a disciple maintain freshness in your daily prayer time with God? Freshness in prayer comes from understanding the position of desperation from which you are praying. Jeremiah was in prison and the Babylonian army was destroying the city of Jerusalem. Then God gave him the promise we read in today’s passage. There is nothing we can do, humanly speaking, to make an eternal difference. Yet what humans cannot do, God can!
Freshness in prayer comes as you consider whom you are approaching in prayer. The Lord says, “Call to Me.” This is the invitation of the eternal, covenant-keeping God who is also the Creator and Sustainer of all things. He is all-powerful, all knowing, and always present.
Freshness in prayer is experienced by the promise and power of God’s response. The Lord says, “I will answer you.” The only prayer God does not answer is the prayer not prayed. God always gives the right answers to prayer, but they vary. He always answers our prayers with messages of yes, no, or wait. As you claim by faith God’s promise to answer your prayer, you will experience the power of prayer – just as He promised to show Jeremiah “great and mighty things.” Though His power is invisible and beyond human comprehension, when we pray, God releases His power in visible ways! *
Heavenly Father, I realize that I am desperate and that my needs go far beyond my abilities. I call to You in this prayer, thankful that You expect me and desire me to be in Your presence. I pray in faith, knowing that You will answer me and that You will display Your might and power. Thank You that Your grace and power are such that I can never ask too much! In Jesus’ name I offer this prayer. Amen.
*Dr. Michael Lewis, Plant City, Florida