"From beginning to end, the way it's always been. Amen." ~ Joe Hall (St. Louis, MO)

Last night I met Joe Hall, he was homeless and at the Alabama Florida line headed south on a very rainy night. I talked with him and we prayed together. I gave him a little money, but HOPE is hopefully what we both took away from our paths touching. He gave me the best hug and I told him that I loved him, and he said he loved me too. As he walked into the darkness he said I haven't felt that in over six years. He was smiling! He touched my heart and maybe I touched his too.
* At the very moment I watched Joe walk off into the darkness, I felt that I was doing the exact same thing. Sometimes, to find brighter days, we have to be willing to venture into the dark. However, we do not travel alone. God is with us, and with Him at our side, even the most trying moments that are filled with tears... also include HOPE. I am hopeful that this season of my life will be one that I can look back on and be proud. This is hard. I am so blessed to not be alone!!! *