How Can I Praise God When Life Doesn’t Go Well?

Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the Lord. Lamentations 3:40
The Lord does not promise us that everything in life is going to go our way. In fact, in James 1 we are told to “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials” (v.2). The scripture teaches us that these trials can come at us from all directions. But the testing of our faith produces “patience” (v.3). When things do not go well, we are given the opportunity to learn to be patient and steadfast in our faith. James says that as a result, we can “be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (v.4). This is a phrase that describes the believer who has a mature faith. When we face the trials in life, it gives us the ability to “grow up” in our faith. God allows us to experience difficulties because God’s purpose is not that we would just be happy, but that we might be conformed to the image of His Son. Receiving that honor is certainly a reason for praise!
Another reason is that the Lord gives us the opportunity to be involved in the great works He is doing. As a part of the body of Christ, we have a chance to touch the world as we share the light of the gospel and to help carry out God’s will on earth. This gives us a real sense of purpose. We must constantly be seeking to bring our lives in line with His will, considering what might need to change every day. When we live in such a way, the fact that things don’t always go so well pales in comparison to what God is doing in and through us! *
Lord, I praise You today not because of what has happened or what will happen, but because You are God and You loved me so much You sent Your Son to die on the Cross for my sin. When I get caught up in what is going on around me, I pray that I will be reminded of what You have done for me. Help me evaluate everything in my life on the basis of what will bring glory to You. May I always be in the process of turning to You. Amen.
*Mike Hamlet, Spartanburg, SC