How to Tackle a Prayer Burden…
![December 2009 066[6]](../_Media/december-2009-0666_med.jpeg)
I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night. Nehemiah 1:5, 6
A burden is something you go to bed with, wake up with, and live with each day of your life. A burden grips your heart and does not let you go easily. As you mature in the Lord, you learn that a burden is actually a wake-up call from God. It’s a way He speaks to you, alerting you to something that requires your attention.
For Nehemiah, God was speaking to him about his home city of Jerusalem. The gates were down, the city was plundered, and God was calling him back to Jerusalem to do something about it. This was a time when prayer was not enough. God wanted more. He wanted action! He wanted to prove Himself strong not only to Nehemiah but also to all of Jerusalem. Nehemiah tackled his prayer burden with the actions of going, doing, fasting, and obeying God in all areas.
What is your prayer burden? What is gripping your heart? Call out to the Lord about this burden! For Nehemiah, it was a wall; what is it for you? Fast over this burden. Be willing to go and do. Be willing to transform your prayer burden into action! This is no time to push the snooze button in your life. God is waking you up and speaking to you. He wants to do a new thing in you, through you, and around you. This is what burdens do.*
Lord Jesus, this prayer burden is Your wake-up call to me. Speak to me loudly and clearly. I release myself to You; do whatever You want to do in and through me. Amen.
*Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Northwest Arkansas