Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord! Psalm 27:14

Up the hill and down the slope, through the woods and over the streams, my brother and I played the game with great skill. Of course, he was the leader because he was the elder, but I was the expert at following in his steps. The game was simple, even through tough terrain. I was going to follow the leader. Upward to the summit and down to the valley, we made the journey with focus. Making our way through the woods and the waters, we found courage to follow the path before us.
The key to making a journey for God’s glory is following the Leader. We must become experts at following in Christ’s steps. The journey is simple, even through the toughest terrain. Life is most satisfying when we walk in His steps.
It seems like an easy enough task. It’s sensible, too. If we want to bake a cake that is edible, then we follow the directions in the recipe. If we want to arrive at an appointment on time, then we will follow directions on the map. But the creeping, slinking serpent of pride lures us away from the directions. We convince ourselves that we don’t need them anymore. So, ignoring the directions, we get lost and confused.
God gives us directions to follow, and He has given us His Son to show us the way. When we follow Jesus Christ in the details of our days and through every maze, we will taste the pleasure of life. Anything else will be tarnished by pride and filled with sorrow. When we keep God as our Boss and stay close to Jesus, we will follow His directions and stay on track.
Lord, show me the path You would have me walk. I will wait upon Your direction and find Your strength as I give myself to God-sized faithfulness and not me-sized solutions. Right now, I confess that my vision and wisdom are so very limited; Your vision and wisdom are eternal and unlimited. Would You show me how to move today? Would You make my paths straight, showing me every day what steps to take? Lead me in every decision. Amen.
Eric Thomas, Norfolk, VA