The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived. Revelation 18:23
In the scripture passage today, God did for His people what they could not do for themselves. He vanquished an enemy from their lives. Babylon was a destructive, influential controller over the Israelites for a very long time. God pronounced an irrevocable judgment that freed His children from that sinful stronghold.

Jesus warns us in Luke 11:24-26 that if we remain void of His presence and power as we attempt to rid ourselves of sinful habits, we will revert to those same habits, which will become accompanied by even worse controlling factors. It is one thing to replace old habits; it is another for God to do a cleansing work in our lives. It is one thing to resolve to do better; it is another for Christ to make us new creations. Who is controlling your life? You? Has the flesh returned with even more sinister influences? Or has Christ vanquished the enemy of sin and taken up residence in your life where He presides?
Whatever controlling demons your need to be rid of – whether it is drugs, illicit sex, alcohol, greed, lust, or desire for power – remember that only the power of the Holy Spirit can pull those strongholds down. When He replaces them with Himself, they will never be able to control your life again, just as Babylon would never be allowed to reign over Israel again.
The question now becomes, has the Holy Spirit regenerated your life? Did old things pass away? Did all things become new? Can you sin now, and not receive discipline from God? If not, then ask Christ to forgive you and cleanse you today.
Father, You are so good and holy, and You do for me what I cannot do for myself. I thank You that You love me and have given Your love to me even while I was unlovely. Reveal to me anything about me that is not submitted to You. Please fill me with Your presence and power so that I may live victoriously over the desires of the flesh. Empower me to know who I am in Christ that I may stand against the attacks of the Enemy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.