How to Handle Feelings of Guilt
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1, 2

Sinner saved by grace. “Forgiven, not perfect.” Have you ever used one of those phrases in reference to yourself? Statements like these permeate church language. The problem is they are not a complete understanding of our true identity according to Scripture. When we do not understand our true identity, we are prime candidates to be deceived, misled, and defeated by the Enemy on a daily basis.
Paul’s favorite phrase to refer to believers in the New Testament is “in Christ.” Through the miracle of salvation, we have been placed in Christ. This means that when God sees me, He no longer sees me as a sinner simply saved by grace; He sees me as righteous as the very Son of God Himself. Is that because I am that righteous? Absolutely not! It is because that righteousness is what I have been given by the grace of God. That is who I am now in Christ! That is my true identity.
Ponder this staggering truth: when you have been in heaven for ten thousand years, you will not be any more righteous in the sight of God than you are right now as you are reading this paragraph. You might ask, “How is that possible?” It is possible in Christ! My righteousness before God is not based on my performance for Christ, but my position in Christ. Because I am in Him, there is no condemnation. Any condemnation that I sense is the Enemy trying to lay accusation where it doesn’t belong, and the only reason I fall for his ploys is that I do not understand who I am in Christ. The greatest thing you could do today is read what the Bible says about you and by faith believe it. Let the truth sink in, my fellow saint!
Precious Jesus, I am amazed at the grace that You have displayed in my life. I am chosen, adopted, forgiven, redeemed, reconciled, filled with Your Spirit, raised with Christ, and seated in the heavenly places with Him. There is absolutely no condemnation in my life because of Your amazing grace. I pray that today You would help me live out the resources of who I am in You. I am Your child. I am holy and blameless. I am a new creation in Christ. May Your grace transform my life today for Your glory. Amen.
Vince Pitman, Las Vegas, NV