I came to this hospital before the sun was up good, for them to take my daddy's right leg off. My sweet Tobi and dad's friend Mick spent a few hours with daddy before the surgery. With the exception of a few painful flinches, daddy had the best attitude ever. Pretty much every person that entered the prep room left laughing or with a smile plastered on their face. I am so thankful for my father and the life lessons he continues to teach me. I know that it's about to get even tougher, but I am certain he will make the most of every moment.

I believe that through ALL things, even pain and the stuff that I simply can not understand, that God is glorified by us looking to Him for peace and comfort. I seek You Father. I need Your strength today.

Thank you guys so much for your continued prayers!

Thank you guys so very much. This has been a good day. No doubt about it... your prayers, positive thoughts and kind words have been felt!