What Does God Promise When We Are Faithful?

I am God, the God of your father; do not fear to go down to Egypt, for I will make of you a great nation there. I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again. Genesis 46:3, 4
God is with us. I imagine that most of you reading these words already know that. Although most of us believe it at some level, I’m not sure how many of us actually embrace it. So, just for a minute, I want you to take a moment to feel the impact of that phrase. I want you to ponder what it means for God to be with you.
Now, maybe you believe this when life is good – when you’re relaxing on the beach or eating at your favorite restaurant. It’s easy to believe that God is with you in such moments. This principle remains true, however, no matter when we say it, regardless of whether we feel it. Frustrated at work, encouraged by kind words, or devastated by tragedy, God is with us.
This doesn’t mean that God always creates a smooth path for us or gives us an easy life. It means that whatever we experience, our amazing, heavenly Father will be with us every step of the way. I find it so encouraging that God is not simply way off in the distance somewhere doing something else… He is actually with us!
Maybe you are hurting deeply today. God is with you. Maybe you are battling discouragement. God is with you. Maybe you are lonely. God is with you. Perhaps you are fighting a terrible disease. God is with you. Perhaps you have recently lost a loved one. God is with you. The reward of our faithfulness to God is the realization that He is – always has been and always will be – faithful to us. His faithful presence carries us through. *
Heavenly Father, thank You for being with us. We are so grateful that You aren’t simply watching us or noticing us or keeping track of us, but that You are actually with us. Help us be sure that we are with You. Thank You for Your amazing promise to be with us! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
*Jerry Walls, Warner Robins, GA