Finding Confidence in God
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22, 23

God will not let you go. Though you may find yourself in the middle of a storm of your own making. He will not turn His back on you. Though you may find yourself experiencing the consequences of your sin, you will still be loved. Because of His “mercies” and “compassions,” you can be confident that He loves you and will continue to provide for you and take care of you.
You may run. He will run after you. You may hide. He will find you. You may turn on Him. He will not turn on you. Your heavenly Father is relentless in His love for you. Although He will discipline you, you will not be “consumed.” He will not let you go.
Paul said it this way in 2 Timothy 2:13: “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.” Because our God is so faithful – and also because we can be so faithless – today you and I have a chance to respond to the amazing love of God. Every morning is a chance to give back. I can’t help but think that since His mercies are new every morning, our praise should be as well.
Think about it. Every morning, without fail, a fresh supply of God’s mercy is made available to us. It’s an all-you-can-eat buffet. Many have tried to exhaust it (including me!), only to discover that it is inexhaustible. It seems to me that partake and partake, but rarely give thanks. Why don’t we that God right now for His steadfast love and mercy? *
Great Father, thank You for being so faithful to someone so faithless. May my gratitude be as fresh as Your mercy. I don’t want to pray the same old stale prayers I’ve always prayed. Instead, I want to learn to speak to You each day with a renewed appreciation for who You are. Great is Your faithfulness! Amen.
*Jerry Walls, Warner Robins, GA